2009 Challenger Rt Classic
20 Posts
Discussion Starter · #1 ·
Hi Guys, I searched the forum but came up empty handed on this question, I'm sure someone has already asked this somewhere but are they any production numbers out there for the 09 B5 RT Classics? Auto's and Manual? Reason I ask is that these were supposed to be a "spring Special" and I am just staring to see a lot of these on ebay lately and my local dealer here just finally got one! Did they stop production on the 09's also? Are they going to offer this color in 2010? Thanks!
88 Posts
call Ed McGrath at 610-367-2191 his dealership has a 2009 b5 blue
4,085 Posts
The 2009 model year has already ceased production. There are plenty of B5 blues around in both 5 and 6 speeds still sitting at dealers in certain areas. Both the R/T Classic and SRT8's will be available in B5 blue as soon as the 2010's resume production which I believe is tomorrow. There's nothing limited about them as far as Dodge making a finite number of them but they won't be offered after a certain timeframe so in that way you could say they're limited. Detonator yellow will be offered now and then plum crazy purple. Another retro color is supposed to come around in the spring but nobody knows exactly which color yet. I'm hoping sublime green.
211 Posts
The 2009 "Spring Special" Title was suppose to be the B5 SRTs, the "classic" is the RT's (any color) with a certain package..... if I understand properly. Production of the 2010 B5 cars I think will end sometime in October if I remember right.
Please feel free to correct me if I am in error, I am just going by memory.
160 Posts
From what I understand the 2009 Classic's was broken in to 2 groups the limited B5 classics with the 6 speed and the rest. I have the production numbers fo rthe 09 Challengers I willl post it later if I remember right less then 1000 B5's got produced. The numbers number was posted on the LX forums
559 Posts
Hi Guys, I searched the forum but came up empty handed on this question, I'm sure someone has already asked this somewhere but are they any production numbers out there for the 09 B5 RT Classics? Auto's and Manual? Reason I ask is that these were supposed to be a "spring Special" and I am just staring to see a lot of these on ebay lately and my local dealer here just finally got one! Did they stop production on the 09's also? Are they going to offer this color in 2010? Thanks!
The Original Plan was to build a total of 2000 B5 Challengers split between Classics and Spring Specials.
The production numbers for B5 Cars published in another string was:
Classics Spring Specials
244 6 speed 153 6 speed
279 Auto 83 Auto
523 Total 236 Total
Grand Total 2009 B5s = 759
These numbers were published well before the final build out of the 2009 models. Not clear whether these numbers indicated the cars built to date or all 2009's that had been issued VINs and were scheduled to be built before the end of the model year.
180 Posts
That thread is How Many Spring specials Built? currently found on Page 1 of the Dodge Challenger SRT8 specific category.
11 Posts
Hi Guys:
I would guess the final 2009 B5 Classic (and B5 Spring Special) final production numbers should be available now - or soon. Last Monday (Labor Day) I visited a local dealer and wound up putting a deposit down on one. I was told that the dealer just received notice that the B5 color was discontinued unless someone already had one on order.
Anyone with the goods, please share the numbers. The 2010 Challengers are already out and a lady picked one up on Wednesday per the dealer. He said that she ordered it in Feb. 09 so I'm guessing that she really wanted a 2009. She wants to swap the 2009 literature for 2010 literature so it looks like I'm going to get a brochure. Wondering what she ordered that took so long though. I'll try to find out. In the meantime if anyone runs across final production numbers please respond.
64 Posts
I posted these in another thread. If I knew how to link to that post, I would. Since I don't, I'll post them here, and on the SEVERAL other threads (is that really necessary) that seem to be asking the same questions. Do moderators here ever combine related threads?
I took the 2009 data other people had posted, cleaned it up, and analyzed it just a bit. As I understand it, these are not the final numbers. Will someone please explain why the FINAL 2009 production numbers are unavailable? It's a cool car, but it's not exactly a top-secret fighter jet.

9 Posts
Does anyone have a production number total for the 09' Classic auto in Brilliant black? Ive spent hours researching and had zero luck. Thanks
11 Posts
I'd like to have final numbers on the B5 Blue 2009 Classic 5-speed/5.7L Hemi. According to my last research there were 279 made. As for the Brilliant Black (according to this same document) in the 6-speed manual, 1486 were made in the R/T 5.7L Hemi and1508 in the SRT 6.1L Hemi; with the 5-speed automatic: 2 3.5L 6-cyl were made; 2602 5.7L Hemi R/Ts and 1726 6.1L Hemi. 2452 4-speed 3.5L 6-cyl. cars were also made. So, I guess if you're interested in the R/T Classic, you're looking at 1486 6-speed manuals and 2602 5-speed automatics. Please let me know if you find final numbers. The link to this is www.sapphiregraphics.com/car/numbers2.jpg Hope this helps.
9 Posts
2602 Would be for "ALL" black R/T's with an automatic, but i'm looking for the number of Chally "Classics" in black with an automatic. If i find these numbers i will post and thanks!!!!!
244 Posts
Where could I find production numbers for 2010 B5? Would Chrysler registry have that info. and if so does anyone have name and number? Thanks
2013 Challenger RT Classic
4,364 Posts
No one has found the final production numbers for the 2009 model year as of yet.
Source: https://www.challengertalk.com/threads/production-numbers-on-rt-classic-b5s.24095/
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