Covert Tuning

Covert Tuning

  1. 10-03-2012,10:22 AM #1

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Covert Tuning Dynamics finally posted video of Stig running

  2. 10-03-2012,10:53 AM #2

    Stig? There's only one Stig.


  3. 10-03-2012,11:07 AM #3

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dope View Post

    Stig? There's only one Stig.


    That's what the morons over at CTD call the car. I'm hoping Top Gear sue's the crap out of them.

  4. 10-03-2012,06:52 PM #4

    Heat cycling? Do I assume they're smart enough to have already seated the rings, or is that a stretch with these guys?
    Last edited by NHRATA01; 10-03-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  5. 10-03-2012,08:00 PM #5

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    This should answer all your questions.

  6. 10-03-2012,09:03 PM #6

  7. 10-03-2012,09:04 PM #7

    Foozball26 is offline

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    Pretty entertaining to see all the retards that know nothing about cars comment on their facebook.


    it hasn't been started yet...


  8. 10-03-2012,09:05 PM #8

    Foozball26 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tristan View Post

    So to show that the car is finished, you show a time-lapse video of the rear subframe being built and the engine being mocked up....

    I liked the part where they didn't hook up the exhaust manifolds to the turbos.

  9. 10-03-2012,10:16 PM #9

  10. 10-03-2012,10:44 PM #10

    Mike Hawk is online now

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  11. 10-03-2012,11:49 PM #11

    Snorman is offline

    Rest in peace, dear friend. 3/2/16 Snorman's Avatar

    How does anybody know if that actually the same car they claimed to have built that's running?

  12. 10-04-2012,12:38 AM #12

    Foozball26 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorman View Post

    How does anybody know if that actually the same car they claimed to have built that's running?

    330 MPH SPEEDO!!!

    It must go that fast if it is on the speedo

  13. 10-04-2012,01:06 AM #13

    It bears repeating.

  14. 10-04-2012,01:27 AM #14

    MT Wallet is offline


    Did you see how they butchered the mesh grill to fit the exhaust tips?

  15. 10-04-2012,01:45 AM #15

  16. 10-04-2012,02:12 AM #16

    8-10 hours to cool?

  17. 10-04-2012,02:20 AM #17

    MT Wallet is offline


    The way he writes on FB, it reminds me of an artist.

    Hopefully, no one put up any front money for this business.

    Hopefully, the car and the factory were fully funded by this guy.

    Last edited by MT Wallet; 10-04-2012 at 03:00 AM.

  18. 10-04-2012,02:27 AM #18

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    They claim to be building a 2000hp car yet they are absolutely clueless on how to break in an engine.

  19. 10-04-2012,10:56 AM #19

    Coach Jim Harbaugh is offline

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  20. 10-04-2012,09:40 PM #20

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    Apparently the owner gets owned in this thread. I haven't had time to read it yet.

  21. 10-04-2012,10:14 PM #21

    lsevenl is offline

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    This guy literally sits around and "likes" all the posts on the company facebook and responds whenever it's something positive. He runs "contests" for shop clothing and his wife the CEO prances around and makes videos. This is a dog and pony show he is just throwing money at. It's really obvious that he's more of a PR person and only regurgitates what his mechanics are feeding him. This entire production is looking like a train wreck waiting to happen.

  22. 10-04-2012,11:04 PM #22

  23. 10-05-2012,12:00 AM #23

    Damn that's a good thread, thanks for the link.

    Its not the car- its not the build, it's the owner.

    Cliffs- trust fund baby with Daddy's money does not work- buys toys. Has Lambo- starts running his mouth about a built that will beat EVERYTHING.

    Said Lambo will make 2000whp-be RWD and dead hook from 40. Oh, and will be able to pull 500lbs out of it after adding a full cage, 120 lbs worth of turbo..ect

    Then-claims he beat UGR cars-even though the car was on jack stands-yes actual wins. I can't even make this up.

    He is called out for being a lying hack, HAVING A MAIL ORDER BRIDE (No joke there either) and not no longer posts on our local racing forum.

    Next- literally steals the car in the night from the shop he stopped paying to work on it- left a 30k bill to be paid. "Started" his own shop.

    Several months after the car was supposed to run- we have this "unveiling" of a non running pile of parts with a group of posers and shitty Music.

    So, if you like trust funded Super Douche bags, this is your Hero. Otherwise, keep enjoying the even grouping pile of fail that is D WIGGS.

  24. 10-05-2012,12:08 AM #24

  25. 10-05-2012,12:44 AM #25

    lsevenl is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tristan View Post

    Damn that's a good thread, thanks for the link.

    Damn I missed that part

  26. 10-05-2012,01:11 AM #26

    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Fire View Post

    Fucking comedy gold!

  27. 10-05-2012,03:11 AM #27

  28. 10-05-2012,08:04 AM #28

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    Now he claims they are doing testing with NASA

    Covert Tuning Dynamics Understood. Yes. It works much better than any other material. We are doing a lot more testing with NASA for new product applications and there will be loads of hard data logging to be done to make final determinations.

  29. 10-05-2012,10:03 AM #29

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by speed_demon24 View Post

    Now he claims they are doing testing with NASA

    What part(s) are they talking about?

  30. 10-05-2012,10:20 AM #30

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis519 View Post

    What part(s) are they talking about?

    Not sure how to link a facebook video, but here's a pic they posted. Looks like some sort of heatshield.

  31. 10-05-2012,12:10 PM #31

    w2wss is offline

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    they have deleted everything i have posted on facebook. This whole front of his will blow up. He is clueless and so is everyone else on that facebook page that congratulates him and that life size cheezy paperweight. Every time this place pops up on the car forums it pisses me off even more

  32. 10-05-2012,12:14 PM #32

    lsevenl is offline

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    He's deleted several posts I've made also. I am waiting for the epic explosion.

  33. 10-05-2012,01:19 PM #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Fire View Post

    8-10 hours to cool?

    That joke isn't even news after the first video with the stammering pile of words he fabricated regarding EPA certification of parts.

    It's like speeddemon re: anything after 1997 and needcash circa sophomore year of high school had a love child and named him wiggsity.

  34. 10-05-2012,05:47 PM #34

    Kata Skopos is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmd View Post

    That joke isn't even news after the first video with the stammering pile of words he fabricated regarding EPA certification of parts.

    It's like speeddemon re: anything after 1997 and needcash circa sophomore year of high school had a love child and named him wiggsity.


    naw youre probably right

  35. 10-05-2012,06:54 PM #35

    Snorman is offline

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    I learned some things this video.

    1. An "extensively modified" vehicle means anything with black painted maker lights
    2. Even people who didn't work for there money, need work trucks
    3. This 2000whp car admittedly will only have 1300hp (I assume Nasa is trying to find the missing 700hp)
    4. Robert Himler is Dwiggs mail order bride

  36. 10-05-2012,07:18 PM #36

    Quote Originally Posted by speed_demon24 View Post

    Not sure how to link a facebook video, but here's a pic they posted. Looks like some sort of heatshield.

    Lol, first time with a torch, they've never seen asbestos shielding before?

  37. 10-05-2012,07:19 PM #37

    His name's Himmler? Guess that explains the baseless propaganda.

  38. 10-05-2012,08:02 PM #38

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by NHRATA01 View Post

    Lol, first time with a torch, they've never seen asbestos shielding before?

    But Nasa flew out to hand deliver it! At least that's what he says.

  39. 10-06-2012,08:14 AM #39

    Coach Jim Harbaugh is offline

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    NASA makes a habit of flying heat shields to want to be tuners who have a single ar that doesn't run. My buddy in Findley, OH has a 1997 Civic and says he'll give this car a run from a dig or roll. Bone stock.

  40. 10-06-2012,11:02 AM #40

    Roush97 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by NHRATA01 View Post

    His name's Himmler? Guess that explains the baseless propaganda.

    From reading the thread on L4P his friend is a guy named Robert Himler who wrote some type of how to get rich book and then got got exposed on the website for being a massive fraud.

  41. 10-07-2012,06:34 AM #41

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Covert Tuning Dynamics
    Since people seem to either forget, "misremember", or simply choose not to do research on just some of the work that has been done to Stig, we will post just a quick, rough, bullet-point list of mods. This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Hopefully, this will start to give some people an idea of just how much work has gone into this car. No other Lamborghini engine comes close. Enjoy!

    � Custom Carrillo Rods
    � Custom CP Pistons (9:1 Compression)
    � Custom Advanced Sleeves (.050 great than original OD & .5mm greater ID)
    o Ductile Iron & Thicker at the top
    o Ringed Sleeves with Head receiver grooves
    � Copper Head Gaskets
    � A1 Tech Head Studs/Main Girdle Studs
    � Tri Metal Bearings
    � Polished & Balanced Crank
    � CNC Milled Coolant Floor & Sleeve Bones
    � Added 16 dowels (8 3/8� per Head, 8 �� to the crank case)
    � CNC Ported Intake & Exhaust Parts
    � Polished Combustion Chamber & Lower Intake Plenums
    � Custom Machined/Designed Upper Plenums from a Solid Block of Aluminum
    � 102mm Billet DBW Throttle Bodies
    � Ferrea Springs & Valve Springs
    � Custom Machined Valve Spring Seats & Retainers
    � Reburned Oil Passages
    � Relocated Oil Filter
    � 321 Stainless 3� Turbo Feed Pipes
    � Custom Header 2-1 Pipes
    Fuel System
    � Aeromotive 1151 Mechanical Fuel Pump
    � Back Purge Electric for Priming
    � Twin Entry Stainless Piping
    o #8 Per Rail
    o #8 Return
    � 2200cc FIC EV14 Injectors
    � Aeromotive Regulator
    � Aeroquip Line
    � Post Processing from Liberty Gear (Hardened & Cryo Treated)
    o Same Treatment for Rear Differential
    � Custom, Proprietary Bonefonte Clutch (Twin Disc)
    � Custom Drive Shaft Shop Rear Axles
    Turbo System
    � 2 GTX4294 Turbos (for break-in)
    o Stainless V-Band Housing
    � 5� Intakes
    � 3 �� Hot Side Charge Pipes
    � 4� Cold Side Charge Pipes (the ones that people got their panties in a bunch about)
    � 18� x 7� x 12� Bell Air to Water Core w/ Directional Velocity Stacks, AND Veins
    � Remote Twin Heat Exchanger Cores
    o Front Mounted
    � 55 GPM Pump
    � Titanium Exhaust Straight Off Turbos
    � 6-Point Cage
    o 1 �� x 0.120� Wall 4130
    � Stiffened Lower Engine Mounts
    � Gusseted Lower A-Arm to Chassis
    � Solid Engine Mounts
    � Solid Transmission Mounts
    � Transmission Nose Bracket
    � Bell Housing Stiffening Mounts to Lower Chassis
    � Solid Differential Mount
    o Aventador Start/Stop Button
    � Custom Gauge Cluster
    o 330MPH Speedometer
    o 10,000RPM Tachometer
    o Custom Badging
    o CTD Diamond Illuminates on Dash
    � Custom Sound System
    o Kenwood 7990 Head Unit
    o Front & Rear Camera
    o Focal Components, Crossover, & Sub
    o JL Digital Amplifier (Inside Dash)
    o Custom Carbon Fiber Sub Enclosure
    Carbon Fiber
    � Custom Matte Carbon from MA Carbon
    o Side View Mirrors
    o Gas Cap
    � Custom Gloss Carbon from MA Carbon
    o Custom LP2000-2SVTT Shift Puck
    o Seat Belt Buckles, Housing, Covers
    o Air Vents
    � Custom Sheet Carbon for Back Wall and Other Interior Pieces

  42. 10-07-2012,07:30 AM #42

    SuprSlow is offline

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    Side view mirrors. Holy shit

  43. 10-07-2012,07:42 AM #43

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    Break-in turbos

  44. 10-07-2012,08:40 AM #44

    Snorman is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by speed_demon24 View Post

    Break-in turbos

    Considering those turbos are not going to be capable of making 2000 rwhp, they're going to have to step up to a larger frame turbo, which means none of the plumbing is going to switch over to the new turbos.


  45. 10-07-2012,08:07 PM #45

    God this guy is full of shit.

  46. 10-07-2012,10:29 PM #46

    Snorman is offline

    Rest in peace, dear friend. 3/2/16 Snorman's Avatar

  47. 10-07-2012,11:31 PM #47

    triggerjerk is offline

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    There is a gold mine of laughs on their facebook page:

    Covert Tuning Dynamics Given that the turbos listed ARE good for the 2000, no, I won't lie about it to appease your ignorance. Also, I could have changed the spec list before posting it if I wanted to make it seem that way. This is your final warning Vlad. You are really dumbing down the page, the conversation, and society in general with your ignorant remarks.

    John Reed Hoekstra all the haters don't feel as if they will ever feel to be able to afford such a build. he has my support because i see myself doing the same thing shortly after i graduate college.

    Covert Tuning Dynamics It'll be done. It won't be broken in, but, most importantly, I'll be at my place in London for 3 weeks for my wedding anniversary. This Winter, you'll see more than enough information. Of that, you can be assured.

    Covert Tuning Dynamics UGR has done everything they could to stop this build from happening; even things against the law. We won't stoop to UGR's level and air dirty laundry in public like they do but we will say it would be hard for any company to be more worried about this project than they are.

    Ryan Corlew Hey everybody, welcome to the premier of the stig, even though it doesn't run. Btw...this car has over 3000hrs of research and development and 2000hrs of r&d. Btw...the stig is sill on jackstands but is putting over 2000whp to those jackstands and has won 17 races to the moon and back already.

  48. 10-07-2012,11:59 PM #48

    speed_demon24 is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by triggerjerk View Post

    I can't believe how stupid this guy is. He acts like his prospective clients are 16 y/o high school students who might believe the bs he spews, not millionaire business owners.

  49. 10-08-2012,12:00 AM #49

    Snorman is offline

    Rest in peace, dear friend. 3/2/16 Snorman's Avatar

    What's funny is that clown actually thinks a shop like UR that has Lambo customers lined up around the block gives a shit what a couple of hacks, a circus announcer and a grifter are doing with a cut up, old-tech Murci.


  50. 10-08-2012,01:23 AM #50

    Jake the SSnake is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorman View Post

    What's funny is that clown actually thinks a shop like UR that has Lambo customers lined up around the block gives a shit what a couple of hacks, a circus announcer and a grifter are doing with a cut up, old-tech Murci.


    This, I doubt they've done much more than laugh at all the remarks other people have been posting about this disaster. These clowns aren't even on their radar. And even if somebody, ANYBODY, puts together a car that come close to a UGR car, big fucking deal. These guys (UGR) have the reputation to go with it, that doesn't happen overnight.

  51. 10-08-2012,01:53 AM #51

    That guy has to be the biggest moron in the car business, and the worst "businessman" in the country. Everyone knows his specs don't add up so he continues to lie like his "facts" can't be checked, what a fool, then he acts so unprofessional and insults people because they call him on his bullshit. I guarantee his business goes no where.

    Oh and if his car has won 17 races, then where are the videos and who were these races against? Yet another lie by this clown, if he really did win those races I GUARANTEE he would be showing those videos on every car forum known to man.

  52. 04-10-2013,01:04 PM #52

    w2wss is offline

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    oh just an update. no numbers of coarse but hey they put in a 330mph speedometer!

  53. 04-10-2013,01:07 PM #53

    w2wss is offline

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    well i guess thats old news but supposedly they have a massive new building for all the business they have been getting

  54. 04-10-2013,05:31 PM #54

    Rich_S is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by w2wss View Post

    well i guess thats old news but supposedly they have a massive new building for all the business they have been getting

    With state of the art equipment and jam packed full of their customers' cars.

  55. 04-10-2013,07:07 PM #55

    Quote Originally Posted by w2wss View Post

    well i guess thats old news but supposedly they have a massive new building for all the business they have been getting

    Really? They need what looks like a 500,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility to make 1 car? And host about 437 nutswingers and maybe 5 legitimate customers?

  56. 04-10-2013,07:48 PM #56

    fdjizm is offline

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    Why is it a big deal to get a car running, is that the celebration to get a car running?
    You're SUPPOSED to get a car running you don't get an award for it.

  57. 04-10-2013,08:46 PM #57

    Nemesis519 is offline

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    Rumor has it someone welded gussets to the engine block to stiffen it up and f-ed up the mains. Of and Motec is the reason the car isn't running. They have to custom write firmware for the new ECU.

  58. 04-10-2013,08:49 PM #58

    Jake the SSnake is offline

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  59. 04-10-2013,09:07 PM #59

    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis519 View Post

    Rumor has it someone welded gussets to the engine block to stiffen it up and f-ed up the mains. Of and Motec is the reason the car isn't running. They have to custom write firmware for the new ECU.

    According to one post UGR doesn't really heavily mod their cars like this, so that's why the stock ECU is fine for them...

  60. 04-10-2013,11:42 PM #60

Covert Tuning



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