Weight Watchers Classes

Weight Watchers Classes

It's January and that means at least half of us have begun a weight loss programme.

But this year shifting the festive flab is an even bigger challenge than it normally is when you throw lockdown and all the restrictions that brings into the mix too.

And more people will also be trying to lose weight this January as well , after it was proven that being obese puts you more at risk of contracting coronavirus.

Losing weight with a slimming club during the pandemic

Usually in the New Year we'd go to the gym, get outdoors and exercise more and maybe even join a slimming club.  But the gyms are closed and restrictions have meant we are limited to how often we can go outside.

One of the biggest changes this January is the closure of slimming club meetings, such as WW (Weightwatchers) where in previous years you could go to meet fellow slimmers, swap tips and get advice from an expert.

But since the start of the pandemic last March, all clubs have had to stop their in-person meetings and go online.

WW closed its classes and online, making all of its sessions virtual - but now as we begin 2021 it has gone a step further.

How does WW work?

Every food is given a SmartPoints value - roughly equivalent to calories - and members are given daily and weekly allowances of points and by sticking to them, will lose weight.

There's also a long list of "ZeroPoint foods" which you can eat in unlimited amounts.

WW subscribers will get access to the app, with its wide range of exercises, meal plans and fitness advice

What happens when I join?

Previously, if you joined WW you would join a local group - or "workshop" - and attend that every week, either in person (pre lockdown) or virtually.

You would be weighed, asked how much you wanted to lose, and then given your SmartsPoints allowance and all the material relating to food and healthy eating.

Other membership options were online only - where you didn't attend any workshops but still had access to WW's food databases and were given your points allowances.

Slimmers are encouraged to add exercise into their routine to help weight loss

How does WW work now?

For 2021 a big change has been introduced - Unlimited Workshops.  This means once you've joined, you can go to as many virtual sessions as you like, anywhere in the country.

You will no longer be tied to your once a week local group, but can pick and choose when and where you go virtually.

You will be given a list of over 500 WW leaders - "Coaches" - and you can look at their photographs, read their stories and decide which one you like the look of.

So, for example, even if you live in Birmingham, you could "attend" the meeting of a coach in London, just because their session is on at a time and day which suits you, or you just like the look of them.

What is the big change?

Members won't have to attend the same meeting at the same time every week.  They can also log on as often or little as they like, at times which suit them.

What happens when lockdown ends?

When restrictions are lifted WW has said it will be reopening its workshops.

These will be called WW Express Workshops and members will be able to go along in person to be weighed, chat to fellow slimmers and also meet their coaches.

But they can also choose to remain virtual and only attend online sessions, if they want to.

What else is new for 2021?

The WW app now has a "healthy body healthy mind" feature, giving members access to mindfulness and meditations, guided walking sessions, fitness yoga and dance exercises.

There is also access to the FitPoints list, where every physical activity is given a value and members can earn extra SmartPoints by being active.

Weight Watchers Classes

Source: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/health/big-change-ww-weightwatchers-brought-19602214


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